Beef or Chicken Stroganoff
A family favorite around my house, this creamy beef dish is great over gluten-free rottini with petite sweet peas on the side. Nutritional yeast provides the enhanced umami flavor, and a little sake balances out the richness of the sour cream.
Servings Prep Time
8servings 15minutes
Cook Time
Servings Prep Time
8servings 15minutes
Cook Time
Onion Mixture
Main Sauce Mixture
Final Touches
  1. In a 12 inch sauté pan over medium heat, saute the onions in the butter until they are soft and translucent. Just before the sauteeing is complete, clear a space in the center of the pan and add the minced garlic. Saute the garlic in the center of the pan; then mix it together with the onions. Set the onion mixture aside in a bowl.
  2. Immediately place the chicken or beef strips into the pan you used to cook the onions. Turn the heat up a little to meadium-high to encourage browning, stir occasionally.
  3. When the pan starts to become coated with the browning meat juice, but before it gets too dark, add the sake and stir to dissolve all the browned meat drippings.
  4. Next, add the broth, salt, nutritional yeast, and onion mixture. Stir ultil well-mixed; then bring to a boil. Reduce the heat; cover, and simmer for 10 minutes.
  5. Just before the 10 minutes are up, mix together the water and gluten-free flour. Remove the pan from the heat and stir in the flour mixture until evenly distributed.
  6. Place over medium-high heat to bring to a boil, stirring frequently. Notice the thickening of the sauce and remove it from the heat again when the sauce stops thickening. This should take about 30 seconds to a minute once your sauce comes to a boil.
  7. Stir in the sour cream until the sauce is an even consistency. Return to the stove over medium heat and heat the sauce, stirring constantly. Do not let the sauce boil, as this will cause it to separate. When the sauce is hot, remove it from the heat immediately.
  8. Serve over wide, gluten-free noodles.
Recipe Notes

My recipes avoid all ingredients listed on the American Latex Allergy Association website, and on Japan’s National Institute of Health Sciences website, as known for or suspected of cross-reacting with latex as well as a few other ingredients that I have discovered elsewhere. However, latex-fruit syndrome is still an emerging issue and poorly understood. There may be other foods that cross-react, and people with latex-fruit syndrome often have other food allergies independent of their latex allergy. Each individual is different, so be sure to discuss with your allergist the safest way for you to try out ingredients that are new to you before you cook with them.